Efficient Building Management with Upgraded IBMS and IMOC Implementation Across All Facilities 

Efficient Building Management with Upgraded IBMS and IMOC Implementation Across All Facilities 

We’ve upgraded all our buildings with an Integrated Building Management System (IBMS) for real-time monitoring and control of essential facilities. The IBMS collects data from various systems, enabling informed decisions on operations, energy usage, and maintenance.

Our Integrated Building Management System specializes in

  • 3D Plant Virtualization
  • Central Control at Complex Level
  • Remote Operations Management
  • Mobile App for field staff
  • Tablet at Building for local Interface
  • Water distribution Automation
  • Custom Dashboard and Reports
  • 24 X 7 Operation & Single Window
Digitalization initiative

Digitalization initiative

Camplus One Module Revolutionizes Facility Management for Improved Service Outcomes  

Camplus One Module Revolutionizes Facility Management for Improved Service Outcomes  

Implementing the Camplus One module has boosted operational efficiency in facility management through the standardization of service delivery and management across all complexes, which leads to improved service outcomes.

Modules implemented are
  • Asset Module
  • Contract Module
  • Audit Module
  • File-Note Module
  • Incident Module
  • Work-Permit Module
  • Helpdesk Module
  • Complex Details
  • Maintenance Module
Soon-to-be implemented
  • ESG Module
  • Handover Module
  • Inventory Module
  • HSE Module
  • Metering Module
  • CRM Module