
Financial Results

Charting Success: Mindspace's Exceptional Performance  

Charting Success: Mindspace’s  Exceptional Performance

Mindspace Business Parks REIT shines with a 13.7% YoY Revenue From Operations surge, reaching INR 23,512 Mn, and a robust 11.9% growth in Net Operating Income (NOI) at INR 18,959 Mn. Since listing, Mindspace distributed an impressive INR 66.3 per unit to all stakeholders thereby, reflecting its commitment to excellence. In FY23-24, Mindspace achieved a notable milestone, leasing 3.6 million square feet, attesting to the continued demand for its cutting-edge workspaces. These results underscore Mindspace’s dedication to sustainable growth and delivering exceptional value. The journey of success continues for Mindspace Business Parks, poised for even greater milestones ahead.